2023 Junior Girls’ Report AGM — April 2024
2023 Junior Tour: Thank you to all the golf courses and volunteers for hosting the Junior Tour this past season. The golf courses included Sonora Dunes, Nk’Mip Desert Golf, PenBcton Golf and Country Club, Summerland Golf and Country Club, Two Eagles Golf Club, Shannon Lake Golf Club, Okanagan Golf Club, Kelowna Golf and Country Club, Salmon Arm, Talking Rock Golf Course, Shuswap Lake Golf Course at Blind Bay and Rivershore Golf Links.
Ten girls participated in the Junior Tour from mid-April to the end of May 2023. The Women’sCommiTee donated 12 dozen golf balls for prizes and provided twelve $25 giY cerBficates for< AcBve Girls for each event. The giY cerBficate was drawn at random and awarded to one of the girls who parBcipated in that day’s event. The Women’s CommiTee also supported the tour by assisting financially with the transition to Golf Genius. Golf Genius has simplified scoring and made awarding prizes Bmelier at the end of each event.
Kayla Lancaster placed in the low net competition at four tour locations (Summerland Golf and Country Club, Two Eagles Golf Club, Kelowna Golf and Country Club, and Talking Rock). Kayla had the long drive at Kelowna Golf and Country Club.
Kailie Mathews had the low net at Rivershore Golf Links.
Addison Orr placed in low net competition at six tour locaBons (Sonora Dunes, Penticton Golf and Country, Summerland Golf and Country Club, Salmon Arm, Talking Rock Golf Course, and Shuswap Lake Golf Course). Addison won a KP at Shuswap and the longest drive at Rivershore Golf Links.
Claire Pasenau placed in the low net competition at three tour locations (Two Eagles Golf Club, Okanagan Golf Club, and Kelowna Golf and Country Club).
Junior Girls’ Championship: The Championship was held in conjunction with the Boys’ Championship at Gallagher’s Golf Club on 3-4 June 2023. Eight girls participated. The Champion with a two-day overall low gross score of 160 was Brooke Tombs, Okanagan Club. The overall two-day low net score of 155 was Kayla Lancaster Penticton, Golf and Country Club. The low gross runner-up with a two-day score of 181 was Claire Pasenau, Harvest. The low net runnerup with a two-day score of 156 was Addison Orr, Vernon Golf and Country Club. The Order of Merit which is the most prestigious achievement for a female on the Junior Tour was won by Addison Orr, Vernon Golf and Country Club. Addison aTended all twelve competition days. The Centennial Cup for the most improved golfer was presented to Kayla Lancaster Penticton, Golf and Country Club. The girl’s KP was won by Claire Pasenau, Harvest, and the girl’s LD was won by Brooke Tombs, Okanagan Club. Brooke Tombs also won the Juvenile KP on hole 16. The Champion and the Order of Merit winner would make-up the Zone 2 Team for the BC Junior Championship. Unfortunately, Brooke Tombs and Addison Orr were not available to participate in the Girls’ Championship. Funds allocated for the Zone 2 Junior Team will be distributed evenly to the girls who participated in the tour and completed in a BC Championship(s).
Junior Girls’ Clinic — On 17 June 2023, Zone 2 conducted a 1/2 day training plus lunch for girls between 6-12-year-olds at the Vernon Golf and Country Club. The event saw 18 girls receiving instruction from two female professionals in A.J. Eathorne and Kendra Jones-Munk. The girls had models to emulate. The clinic was sponsored by BC Golf and Zone 2 Women’s CommiTee. The most telling sign of a successful clinic was immediately following, at least one girl signed up for individual lessons and another commented that golf is now her most favorite sport!
Respectively submiTed,
Sarah Orr